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Consulting in forecasting technical system evolution
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Consulting in forecasting technical system evolution

A company needs the product and technology evolution forecast for strategic planning of business. The ability to see several steps ahead allows the company to maintain its leading position among competitors.

Subject of forecasting

Forecasting means solving an equation with many unknowns: it is necessary to take into consideration economic, social, scientific and other factors. We specialize in the production factor forecast by answering two questions:

  • how a technical system (company’s product) is going to change;
  • how the process used for the production of this technical system is expected to change.


Companies need a reliable forecast. To provide the forecast reliability, it is necessary to take into account objective technical evolution regularities revealed by TRIZ.

To forecast, we use the Target Invention Forecasting technology, the basic part of which consists in building and analyzing “evolution trees”. This technology is based on the laws of technical system evolution. Evolution trees are organized sets of evolution patterns each of which allows tracing the changes of one of the technical system aspects. Combining the patterns into a tree-like structure gives a general picture of changes undergone by the system and allows its further evolution trends to be traced.

As a result, a customer obtains a kind of “map” of possible system evolution ways. This map can be used for selecting promising trends and concentrating the developers’ efforts on these particular ways.

Target Invention Forecasting technology.
Evolution Tree

Target Invention consulting
Target Invention consulting
Case study: forecasting technical system evolution
Case study: forecasting technical system evolution
+375 (33) 353-40-40, +375 (29) 110-28-54
triztrainer (at) gmail com, a ivanov (at) triztrainer ru
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